What types of damages are available for construction defects?

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2021 | Construction Law |

Construction defects can leave a homeowner or property owner with a structure they are unable to use for its intended purpose. Construction defects can also diminish the value of the homeowner or property owner’s property. For that reason, those impacts by construction defects should be familiar with the different types of damages that may be available for construction defects.

Damages for construction defects

The types of damages that may be available for a construction defects depends on that situation and circumstances. Typically, the cost of repairs to remedy the construction defect and the decline in value of the home or other structure due to the construction defect may be recoverable by the homeowner or property owner. Homeowners and property owners may also be able to recover damages for the loss of the use of the home or property during the repair process; the cost of temporary housing or relocating to a temporary structure; and court costs and attorney’s fees in some situations.

This blog has previously discussed who may be liable for construction defects and commonly it is an insurance company that will pay the damages the homeowner or property owner has suffered. Parties that may be liable for construction defects can include general contractors, developers, builders, architects and engineers.

Some of the most common types of construction defects can include mold, water issues, electrical issues, soil issues, faulty drainage, dry rot, structural failures, roofing problems, heating and electrical problems and problems with foundations, windows floors or walls. Unfortunately, the problems associated with construction defects can be extensive.

Construction defects damages are designed to help homeowners and property owners remedy the defect and to offset the diminution and value the defect causes. Because of that, homeowners and property owners facing construction defects should be familiar with the legal resources and remedies available to help them and how they may be able to help them.

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