Construction defects can severely damage a project or diminish the value of a home or building. Property owners should understand who may be liable for construction defects and the damages they may be able to receive to help them. Who is liable for construction...
Month: June 2021
Firm attorney preserved long-term government contract for client
The commercial real estate market in Florida has gone through quite a few ups and downs in recent years, especially the last year. Office buildings, industrial parks, warehouses, retail space – all of it is seeing different levels of demand, vacancy and sales. On top...
What is a zoning variance and how can a business obtain one?
As the saying goes, part of running a successful business is “location, location, location.” But what happens if a business owner who is developing their new enterprise in Boca Raton runs into zoning issues? In such situations the business owner may need to seek a...
Florida condo association agrees to $17.5M settlement
When it comes time to construct a new commercial or residential building in the Boca Raton, contractors, architects, and other construction professionals will be involved in the process to ensure that the building meets all safety criteria and the applicable standard...